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Why I’m A Member of the Church of Christ #1

Why I’m a Member of the Church of Christ

I want to share several important reasons why I’m a member of the Church of Christ. I suspect my reasons are the same as yours!

I will not restate the reasons given in Leroy Brownlow’s book by the same title. He unintentionally created something of a creed for many people for belonging to the Church of Christ. He and I agree that Christians are better off with “NO CREED BUT THE BIBLE” which is a deserving catchphrase from the earliest modern history of Churches of Christ. Staying true to that principle prohibits a litmus test which some have made of such lists to deny or denounce others from belonging to the Church of Christ. I instead want to state in the most fundamental terms—why I’m a member of the Church of Christ.

So, here are some reasons why I’m a member of the Church of Christ:

Reason #1: CHRIST

I didn’t join THE CHURCH because of any personal process of decision or choice on my part. I was added! My choice was to submit my will to Christ; his choice was to add me to HIS CHURCH. Here is where we must understand “church” to be the universal spiritual body of Christ to which we are added by the Lord himself when he redeems us from the world of sin (Acts 2:41; Col. 1:13).

Reason #2: HIS PEOPLE

THE CHURCH is not an organization as much as it is an organism. This is true because it is not about position and power but about people and service (Mk. 10:42-45; Phil. 2:1-4). I am not a member trying to gain power or position. I am a member of a group of people who mutually recognize each other as fellow-citizens of a unique kingdom who share the same faith, hope and love for the same Lord who has redeemed us from sin and death. We also share a common mission…

Reason #3: THE LOST

Our concern extends beyond self and THE CHURCH to include people outside the kingdom for whom our Lord sacrificed and died to save and add to HIS CHURCH. By sharing his inheritance (Eph. 1:11; Col. 1:12) we also share in his mission—to seek and save the lost (Lk. 19:10; 2 Cor. 5:20; Matt. 20:19-20).

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